Politics, Race & Religion... The three topics that excites the highests passions in people, especially in America where to be perfectly honest the title, "Land of the Free" doesen't seem to sit to well when you really look at where we are as a country on the tolerance meter.
Trying to be as objective as possible I watched both conventions, these past two weeks. I tried my best to give the GOP an opportunity to impress me with what they had to offer. Now let me be honest in saying I am a bit biased in my political leanings. Not because I'm liberal in my views. Actually I'm not. Socially I'm conservative. I maintain some staunchly conservative Christian views. I believe that some of our govt. programs are too encompassing and are often abused. Yet I also believe in those inalienable rights of every American of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." Therefore me and my Christianity has no right to impose any sanction or restriction on any non-Christian to live as he or she so chooses. This is America. I also believe in a seperation of church and state, therefore me and my Christianity has no right request the govt. impose itself in the personal lives of others. Gay marriage and abortion aside. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Congress will make no law respecting the establishment of religion..." The fundamental belief of the right-wing conservative GOP that this country was founded on Christian principals is inaccurate. This country was NOT founded on Christianity as much as it was founded on religious liberty. This is America. Their brand of govt. flies in the face of everything that this nation was founded on. Yet in still I tried to give the GOP a chance to impress me at their convention and what I saw was a group of bitter malecontents fall flat on their faces.
First let's deal with the facts... Besides the fact that the speeches given by their speakers, from Chris Christie to Paul Ryan was froth with one egregious lie after the next. The entire convention lacked any substance. What it was full of was anger, bitterness, negativity and one shot after another against the President and his administration with very little to offer in the way of any positive solution. What the republicans have not learned from their short comings in the popularity polls is that ordinary, contientious citizens who are looking for real answers don't respond to negativity and hate. Now that may work for all the die hard staunch, tea party repubs, but hey, they weren't going to vote for the President anyway you don't need to win them over. I would hope that you would realize that the people you need to sway is that independent voter like myself. You know, the ones with an open mind. The ones who are willing to listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision. The ones who uhhh... Awww.. Never mind... Forget it!!! If they don't learn that lesson quickly, I mean like by November, not only will they lose the White House, (again) but they can kiss their congressional majority good bye too.
What I saw from the DNC convention was far in a way more refreshing and positive from a political campaign. But let's get real, governing a nation should not be quantified by "touchy" "feely" moments. You need something to hang your hat on, and I believe you got it from not only Bill Clinton who delivered an awesome speech, but from Joe Biden as well. Then from Obama, love him or hate him you cannot deny his ability to deliver on stage. The point is you may not agree with all of Obama's policies. I know I don't but one thing you have to say is this. The man is true to his convictions. He makes unpopular decisions because he feels it is right. What I hear from the right is often a bunch of vitriol and hyperbole. When you fact check many of their allegations against the President it is often untrue or filled with inconsistencies. I know some of you will debate me on this but trust me. I've had plenty of debates with the right and often the responses I get twist and turn with more curves than a California highway.
Sorry, I've got to tell you GOP... You guys come out losers in this one. The Dems just knocked you out! If you want to win converts you can't offer poison at your banquet and expect many guests to show up. I'm just saying...
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